MIRAI 2.0 R&I Week 2023 

Age-inclusive digital futures

Associate professor Sofi Fristedt, Jönköping University
Professor Yoshihisa Hirakawa, Nagoya University
Associate professor Steven Schmidt, Lund University
Post doc, Dr. Arlind Reuter, Lund University
Future scenarios, global goals challenges, human needs, innovation, technology
Short workshop abstract:
During this 2 hour workshop we will explore how age-inclusive initiatives can address important challenges related
to ageing in a digitalising society in a time of AI. This workshop is inspired by the brainwriting technique, which
allows workshop participants to generate new ideas on different innovation spaces in a short amount of time.
Additionally, this method facilitates a transparent sharing of ideas between workshop participants and is therefore
well-suited as an inter- and transdisciplinary networking technique for participants of the MIRAI action. The four
topics to be addressed in this workshop are: human needs, global goals challenges, technology, and future