MIRAI 2.0 R&I Week 2023 

Co-creation in multicultural teams - Experiences from Swedish and Japanese companies 

Organizer:Associate Professor Karin Hellerstedt, Jönköping University, Professor Mikiko Shimaoka, Waseda University
Co-creation, cultural differences
Workshop description:
Understanding and embracing cultural diversity is crucial for successful collaboration. In this plenary session we highlight the significance of cultural differences, bringing together Japanese and Swedish company representatives to explore the nuances of teamwork within the Swedish and Japanese cultures. This initiative aims to foster a mutual understanding for how cooperation can be enhanced, and provide insights into the potential for cross-cultural synergies. The session includes insightful presentations from and experiences of Swedish and Japanese companies that have successfully been active in both cultures. Four representatives of renowned Japanese and Swedish companies will share their presentations and engage in a panel discussion. The aim of the session is to foster an open dialogue and knowledge exchange, allowing participants to share personal experiences, challenges, and success stories related to intercultural teamwork. 

Venue: NAT.D.360, Natural Science building